Wednesday 8 October 2014

Gillette Venus parnters with YouTube star Tessa Violet, inspiring women to be spontaneous in a snap

Women are invited to celebrate and tweet their spontaneous moments with #InASnap and they might be featured in a music video series by Tessa Violet
Gillette Venus, the number one selling female razor brand in the world, is asking women to embrace their spontaneous side and celebrate all the on-the-go and leg-baring moments. 

In partnership with video blogger Tessa Violet, known for her tongue-in-cheek content style, women are invited to share their spontaneous ”wish I’d shaved” moments with #InASnap that will inspire a series of music videos based on real submissions. 

Whether it is a last minute outdoor concert or a pick-up game in the park, every day is full of those moments every woman can relate to – finding missed hairs or not being as smooth as they’d like. Women can now share these funny, sometimes even embarrassing moments via the #InASnap hashtag on Twitter. 

Tessa will use her favorites as inspiration to create a series of music videos celebrating spontaneity. These videos, created from women’s real life “wish I’d shaved” moments, will then be published and shared on Violet’s & Gillette Venus’ social channels. 

“Some of my favorite memories are a result of impromptu decisions, or last minute nights out,” says Violet. “I'm so excited to have partnered with Gillette Venus on this program! I can’t wait to hear all the spontaneous adventures that women have experienced where they wish they had shaved. It's gonna make some really entertaining and unique music videos.”

Violet is known for creating fun and engaging videos on her YouTube channel and for writing and producing original songs and music videos that follow her on-the-go lifestyle. The #InASnap campaign with Violet celebrates Gillette Venus’ new razor, the Venus Snap with Embrace – which is designed as a solution for “wish I’d shaved” moments. Five blades and a mini-handle are packaged in a stylish compact that conveniently tucks into any bag, so women can simply wet the razor to have smooth skin anytime, anywhere, giving them the freedom to take advantage of any and all spontaneous moments. 

To see what #InASnap moments are brought to life, follow the #InASnap hashtag and @Gillette Venus on Twitter and visit the Gillette Venus YouTube page - to check out the music video series.

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