Thursday 4 September 2014

VLCC sets shop in Kenya through joint venture with Sameer Group

Health and wellness products and services firm, VLCC has opened a state of the art wellness center in the country, being its first African based establishment and also the first outside of Asia, where it already has a presence across 300 locations in 16 countries. 
First Lady Mrs. Margaret Kenyatta unveils a commemorative plaque to mark the official opening of the VLCC Centre. The Centre will be dealing with the weight reduction and healthy living. Looking on is Mrs Vandana Luthra, the vice chairperson of the VLCC Centre in Kenya.

The Kshs. 88 million establishment, follows VLCC joint venture it entered with Kenya’s Sameer Group and it brings in the latest in slimming solutions and beauty treatments including dermal cosmetology offerings.

Speaking during the launch of the new outlet, the First Lady of Kenya, Her Excellency Mrs. Margaret Kenyatta said, “As a country, we are witnessing increased cases of lifestyle related illnesses like obesity and heart diseases, which are preventable if the population is able to understand the benefits of embracing wellness.

VLCC’s entry into the market is therefore very timely and I would encourage Kenyans to utilize the VLCC’s expertise in health and wellness to ensure that we are growing a healthy generation.”

VLCC will be offering a bouquet of scientific, natural and innovative holistic wellness solutions in the form of slimming and weight management, therapeutic beauty treatments, including dermal cosmetology solutions and well as regular beauty services. 

The Founder & Vice Chairperson of the VLCC Group, Mrs. Vandana Luthra said that the opening of the wellness center in the country is a manifestation of the organisation’s confidence in the growing Kenyan economy.

“Increased awareness about health and wellness in East Africa is fast expanding and given VLCC’s vast experience of 25 years in the preventive healthcare space across diverse geographies, we are confident that we will be able to make a considerable impact in giving further impetus to this very welcome trend,” said Luthra.

Commenting during the launch, Sameer Group Executive Director, Mr. Sameer Merali said that the Group’s joint venture with VLCC is a deliberate move to diversify its services into health and wellness sector, which has shown great growth potential not only in Kenya but also in in the wider East Africa region.

VLCC will be concentrating on expanding its offerings in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania in the first two years. The services will be provided by skilled and certified staff, and supervised by health and wellness experts who include nutritionists, dermatologists, and medical doctors.

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