Wednesday 17 September 2014

Communications Authority of Kenya launches County Consumer ICT forums

By Elisha Kamau
ICT Industry regulator, Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has today launched Regional ICT Consumer Forums. 

Dubbed Kikao Kikuu, the forums will seek to create a medium for dialogue and allow for interaction with the Authority and ICT service providers. This is aimed at increasing  consumer awareness on their rights and responsibilities with regard to ICT services.

The open forums that kicked off in Machakos County will work closely with key county opinion leaders and administrators and will serve as a principal source of credible and accurate information on ICT.

Speaking at the launch event, CA Director General, Mr. Francis Wangusi noted that, “The County forums will provide direct feedback mechanism from consumers. We believe that this is the best way to address key concerns affecting consumers. We call upon Machakos County residents to actively participate in the forum.”

He further noted that the forums will also seek to explore areas of partnerships and collaboration between County Government and the Authority to drive the ICT sector forward.

Machakos County Governor H.E Dr. Alfred Mutua commended the Authority for selecting Machakos County to host the first Kikao Kikuu. “This move is in line with the major objectives of the devolved government as provided for under the Constitution of Kenya 2010.”

He added that ICTs can catapult the growth of our services, reduce the cost of business and add enormous value to economic activities in Machakos County. “As a County, we are ready to work together with the Communications Authority of Kenya in further harnessing the potential of ICTs.  We believe ICTs will help us leapfrog economic and social developments of our region and better the living standards of our people.”

The interactive forums will be rolled out in phases across the counties over the next two years. After Machakos, Kikao Kikuu will move to Nakuru and Nairobi Counties.

Kikao Kikuu is part of the Authority’s initiatives to increase consumer education in the country.

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