Thursday 27 November 2014

Regulator takes consumer ICT forum to Mombasa County

By Elisha Kamau

ICT industry regulator, Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) today held the third Consumer County ICT Forum in Mombasa. 
Held at Mombasa Sports Club, the county consumer ICT forum dubbed Kikao Kikuu brought together consumers of communications services, mobile service providers, ICT equipment vendors, Mombasa County officials as well as other Government departments.

Speaking at the forum, Communications Authority of Kenya, Director General, Francis Wangusi noted, “Through KIKAO KIKUU, we hope that ICT consumers will benefit with information that can make them fully enjoy the benefits of ICTs.  An empowered consumer is more likely to make good buying decisions and better use of the services.”  

He added: “This is actually the third forum that we have had since we launched the project in mid-September 2014. So far, we have received positive feedback and contributions from Kenyans across the various counties. This shows that the consumers are yearning for more information that will enable them benefit from provision of ICT services in their respective counties.”

On his part, Mombasa County Governor, His Excellency Ali Hassan Joho was happy to host Kikao Kikuu in his County. He noted that the initiative by the Authority will provide consumers with valuable information which will enable them wisely make use of communications services. He highlighted the various ICT initiatives that his County was undertaking. “Through the use of ICT, the County Government will provide a transparent and efficient management system as well as develop a lean competent work force that is highly motivated.” 

He further noted: “The consumer ICT engagement forums in the county and country at large will not only increase awareness on the benefits of digital migration but will also empower consumers to make informed decisions on the same.”

The Authority will be working closely with the County Governments through the consumer ICT forums in an effort that will ensure counties have access to affordable ICT services that ultimately lead to transformation of County residents and Kenyans at large.

Kikao Kikuu is part of the Authority’s initiatives to increase consumer education in the country. So far, the Authority has had two forums  in Machakos and Nakuru. Plans are underway to have the same rolled out to other counties next year.

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