Friday 15 August 2014

#LikeAGirl inspires girls everywhere

By Angela Ndegwa
“You throw like a girl, fight like a girl, kick like a girl, cry like a girl”
How often have you heard that phrase without thinking twice about what it really means, or how it could affect young girls who hear it? While it may be intended as a good natured joke by many, the reality is the words can have serious, far-reaching consequences as far as confidence in adolescents is concerned.
Always is taking a stand to bring awareness to the negative connotations of “like a girl,” and to drive a movement to change the phrase from an insult into a celebration of the strength, talent, character and downright amazingness of every girl.
For the past 30 years, Always has been an advocate for empowering girls globally, bringing puberty education to millions of adolescent girls. Every year, 17 to 20 million girls across 65 countries benefit from the Always Puberty Education Program. With #LikeAGirl, Always continues to champion girls’ confidence and help them show the world how amazing it is to do things “like a girl.”
As part of the campaign, Always partnered with award-winning documentary filmmaker Lauren Greenfield to conduct a social experiment to illustrate how people of all ages interpret the phrase “like a girl.” The results of the research revealed that younger girls responded to doing things like a girl by being fearless when asked to run, throw or fight like a girl while the older girls interpreted the actions by fulfilling the negative stereo type. 
The study further reports that most girls’ self-confidence plummets when they reach puberty. According to the study only 19 per cent of girls have a positive association with the phrase like a girl. Through the campaign, Always hopes to positively influence every new girl entering puberty to celebrate being a woman and to have positive self-image by being more self-aware.
By starting the conversation, we will create awareness about the common words and phrases used by society to imply that girls are weak and inferior. We will be enable girls to take a bold stand to be champions of their lives.
Today, Always is inviting girls and women everywhere to join the movement and share what they proudly do #LikeAGirl. Tweet, take a picture, shoot a video or send a message to take a stand and show young girls everywhere that doing things #LikeAGirl should never be used as an insult that it means being strong, confident and talented.
To add your voice to the movement, watch the full video here on;

Always. Like A Girl.

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