Monday 22 June 2015

Celebrating #Dads on Twitter

Any man can be a father, but it takes a special someone to be a dad, this is a saying that is known across the globe. There are countless communities that use Twitter every day as a way to connect, often across the world. For Father’s Day this coming Sunday, Twitter would like to celebrate a community that delights the Twitterverse day in and day out with humor and candor: the dads.

Dads on Twitter connect and converse in real time with other dads who share their experience of fatherhood. About 2.5 million people active on Twitter mention 'dad' or 'father' in their profiles, take a look at how these guys discuss fatherhood with one another. To do this, Twitter analyzed terms that appear most frequently appear in Tweets about fatherhood. Below are the findings:

Fatherhood is….
1.     the best thing that ever happened to me
2.     not easy
3.     awesome
4.     an important job
5.     fun
6.     great
7.     a choice
8.     rewarding
9.     cool
10.  fulfilling
To celebrate all the dads, here are some Tweets we’ve surfaced reflecting their feelings about this long-term job:

Kenyans on Twitter are talking about their dads on Twitter using the hashtag #PapaTaughtMe, popularized by @FatumaVoice, an interactive forum that expresses hope through art, poetry and music. Ahead of Father’s Day, the focus is on Dads and when Kenyans were asked to share the most meaningful life lesson they had learnt from their fathers, this is what they had to say:

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