Tuesday 24 March 2015

Strathmore University to cover medical expenses for students

Strathmore University has today confirmed a regrettable incident of food poisoning that occurred in its institution on Friday, 20th March, 2015 to its fourth year students and staff members that had attended the Seniors Dinner at the University Auditorium.
The institution confirms that catering services for the event were outsourced and that investigations have been launched to establish the cause of the food poisoning.
According to a statement from the University:  “As of Saturday morning, some of the affected students had contacted the University and were directed to the Strathmore Medical Centre. By end of day, the Medical Centre had handled majority of the 80 reported cases.”
It continued : “Most complaints included stomach pains, vomiting, high fever and running stomach, the severity of each case dependent on each student. The University has undertaken the responsibility of covering the medical expenses of the affected students.
Today’s statistics indicate that 25 students are still receiving medical attention. Members of the University have been in touch with the affected students. The University’s medical doctor has asserted that the reported cases resulted from food poisoning.

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