Monday 15 December 2014

Konza Techno City infrastructure development kicks off

The Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA) today launched the infrastructure development for the first phase of the Konza Techno City.
The infrastructure development for the initial phase incorporates the construction of a 4.2 km access road, built by the Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA).
Other infrastructure developments are the installation of power lines, and the construction of water and sewage system within Konza Technopolis.
The launch of the first phase and the supporting infrastructure, which is expected to take a total of four years, was presided the Deputy President, Hon. William Ruto.
Speaking during the event, the Deputy President reiterated the Jubilee Government’s commitment towards the construction of Konza Techno City.
“The implementation of Konza Techno City, which is one of the key flagship projects of Vision 2030, will position the country as a leading ICT destination by leveraging and expanding Kenya’s technology focused industries,” said Deputy President Ruto.
The Deputy President announced that a cabinet committee of participating ministries has been constituted by H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta to fast track the development of infrastructure for Phase 1 of the Konza Techno City.
Significant milestones that have been achieved so far by KoTDA include hiring of the Master Delivery Partner 2 (MDP2), completion of the cadastral survey, drilling and equipping of 7 boreholes, and installation of power lines.
Other achievements include the approval by the Attorney General of the Draft KoTDA Bill to expand the mandate of the Authority and approval design drawings for the construction of an iconic Sales Pavilion by the Directorate of Public Works.
On his part, Dr. Fred Matiang’i, Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of ICT said: “The benefits of building this City far outweigh the inherent risks and perceived challenges. The construction of Phase 1 will cover 410 acres and is expected to create about 17,000 direct jobs upon completion.”
Mr. John Ngumi, Chairman, KoTDA Board of Directors said that the road infrastructure is an important cog of the City’s Master plan as it will open up the area for construction of Phase 1 of the project.
Konza development puts the private sector at the center of its execution with the government providing land, legal backing and approving architectural plans. The government is also expected to build primary infrastructure leading to and within the technopolis.
The Technopolis is expected to host various amenities including research centres, a university complex, offices, commercial and residential houses and parks. It is also expected to host foreign and local business process outsourcing companies, a science park, a convention centre, hotels, shopping malls, international schools and health facilities.

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