Thursday 30 July 2015

How Kenyans on Twitter reacted to @POTUS’ visit

This past weekend saw Kenya host the President of the United States Barack Obama who is also known by his Twitter handle @POTUS. He arrived into the country to attend the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (@GES2015Kenya) and the excitement was felt through Twitter. Prior to his arrival, Kenyans had begun Tweeting about his arrival using various hashtags that all became top local trends on Twitter.

Some of the top hashtags that many users on Twitter engaged with were ; #ObamaHomeComing, #ObamainKenya, #ObamaReturns and #GES2015 all Tweeting about Barack Obama’s visit to Kenya. In addition to the buzz, our President @UKenyatta also warmly welcomed @POTUS as he made this historic visit to Kenya.

Below is a sample of some of the tweets from this past weekend:

Upon the US Presidents arrival, #ObamainKenya trended with Kenyans Tweeting away and sharing moments of Obama’s visit to Kenya with his speech being the climax.
President Barack Obama @POTUS expressed joy upon arrival in Kenya by Tweeting how happy he was to see family and friends.

This did not end there, upon @POTUS departure, Kenyans kept the conversation going with the hashtag #NowthatObamaIsGone, which begun to trend immediately after the @GES2015Kenya.
Kenyans were on the international spotlight for the two days that President Barack Obama was in Kenya. As illustrated, Twitter was the one place where Kenyans could get real time updates as they expressed their excitement and extended their warm welcome to the US President.

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