Friday 30 January 2015

SME’s to be integrated in Kenanie Industrail Leather City

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will be integrated in the proposed Kenanie Industrial Leather City, Cabinet Secretary for Industrialization and Enterprise Development Adan Mohamed has said. 

Speaking when he led a team of Government officials in touring the OSTIM Industrial Region in Ankara Turkey, Mr. Mohamed said since SMEs play a crucial role in Kenya’s development they will be allocated sufficient facilities so that the small businesses can support the growing needs for the sector and create employment. 

The OSTIM region in Turkey is one of the largest and most important small and medium-sized industrial production areas, and combines production flexibility with the advantages of a large machine park. OSTIM produces in 17 main sectors, houses 5,000 enterprises spread over 5 million square meters and employs over 50,000 people. Key sectors include textiles, leather, urban furniture, machine equipment and automotives.

Mr. Mohamed said the trip to Turkey will enable the Government address challenges the sector in Kenya is facing including standards, capacity and lack of market. It will also draw experiences from world class regions such as OSTIM to address historical issues that affect the Sector.

“Work sites have been a problem in the past and the integrated park will address this problem initially for the Leather Sector SMEs,” said Mr. Mohamed.

Last year, the Kenyan Government signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Small and Medium Enterprises Organization of Turkey to support growth of the Sector during President Uhuru Kenyatta’s visit.

The Ministry of Industrialization announced this month the launch of the Leather Industrial City that is slated for ground breaking in February 2015.

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